Sunday Sparkle Series

No more Sunday scaries!

Borrowing style inspiration for the upcoming week from Clothing-Confident women featured in the Seeking Inspirato series.


Photos (left to right): Sheila by Jessica Webb Photo, Katie by Maddison, and Tani by Kay Milz.


Sheila is the Master of “High-Low” Style

INSPIRATION: Consider weaving a piece you’d normally reserve for finer occasions into one of your looks this week.

Sheila takes a designer maxi dress (high) and pairs it with some casual booties and jewelry (low) creating a nice sense of style juxtaposition.

BONUS: Get more use out of your closet!

Read Sheila’s Seeking Inspirato article


Katie rocks the hoop (& so can you)

INSPIRATION: Maybe it’s time to dig through the jewelry box and wear that bangle, hoop, or heirloom you rarely wear because WHY NOT?

Read Katie’s Seeking Inspirato article


Tani’s Elegant layering Technique

INSPIRATION: What do you have in your closet that you could layer on top of a look to make it appear a titch more sophisticated? Sometimes it’s that extra addition that makes all the difference.

Tani’s lacy layer adds an ethereal quality to her outfit that would have been missing otherwise. So beautiful!

Read Tani’s Seeking Inspirato article

Tani for Seeking Inspriato by Kay Milz

Why I Practice Clothing-Confidence

Clothing-Confidence is about reflecting the way that you want to show up in the world through your clothing.

Clothing is a powerful reflection of how we treat ourselves. You get to define who you want to be, no one else gets to do that for you. Practicing Clothing-Confidence is a spoke on the wheel to deeper confidence.

-Maddison McKinley, Founder of Daily Inspirato
