Frequently Asked Questions
Answered by Maddison McKinley, founder of Daily Inspirato.
Maddison McKinley, Founder of Daily Inspirato.
Her goal is to inspire every woman to dress in a way she loves, every day, by offering resources on how to develop personal style and find the clothing that flatters your figure best.
She started Daily Inspirato back in 2017 when she realized many of the women in her life didn’t feel great about the way they showed up in the world. She’s been on a mission to change that ever since.
What is Daily Inspirato?
Daily In-spear-ah-toe = Daily Inspirato (“inspirato” is Italian for inspiration).
My goal is to inspire every woman to dress her current figure in a way she loves. Not on special occasions. Not once she loses fifteen pounds. Not after the pandemic. Every day, 365+.
I started Daily Inspirato back in 2017 when I realized many of the women in my life didn’t feel great about the way they showed up in the world. They felt insecure about taking clothing risks or else they retreated from fashion altogether. Since 2017, I’ve interviewed over 100 women, across the U.S. and in the world, and have put everything I’ve learned on to Daily Inspirato ( and Instagram (@DailyInspirato).
Daily Inspirato is your go-to resource to explore all things Clothing Confidence. It’s got practical advice about how to dress your body, plus interviews with passionate, authentic women in the Seeking Inspirato series.
“I feel like clothing can be really protective … I feel like I could walk into a space where I may have once felt more vulnerable, a little more socially anxious — something about having a look feels almost like a shield. I felt like I could go confidently somewhere and not have … social anxiety … Somehow when I have a look, I feel protected. That enabled me to make more connections and not feel like some part of myself was gonna be vulnerable.” - Sadie for Seeking Inspirato
Why Does Clothing Confidence Matter?
When we feel Clothing Confident, we feel good in our clothing and our personal expression. In turn, this makes us do better in our lives. We show up more fully in our work and our hobbies. We are kinder to ourselves and those around us. Think of the last time you were really excited about the clothes you were wearing. That feeling permeates the rest of your day. It charges your interactions, making you both assertive and poised. At Daily Inspirato, we help women feel this way every day.
Maddison McKinley in traveling through Arizona on the Clothing Confidence 365+ Tour.
What is the Clothing Confidence 365+ Tour?
Beginning in September 2020, I kicked off the Clothing Confidence 365+ Tour. I’m traveling coast to coast, sharing the inspiring stories of Clothing Confident women.
The Seeking Inspirato series goes to small towns all across America to illustrate that you don’t have to be in NYC to be fancy or Miami to be classy. Today, the Seeking Inspirato series has reached Buffalo, Asheville, Savannah, Portland, towns in between, and many more to come.
Anyone can achieve confidence through clothing, and the women highlighted in the Seeking Inspirato series are evidence of this. None of the women I’ve met have the same skin tone, income, pant size, or background, but they all share the desire to feel better about themselves.
In addition to meeting Clothing Confident women in each city, I share must-visit recommendations, so readers can explore the regional spaces our features feel confident in.
Before I embarked on the tour, I began writing a book about the techniques and principles necessary to achieve Clothing Confidence, those essential 4Cs.
Now, I’m expanding the book from a text that is not only practical, but inspiring. By weaving in the stories of the women I’ve met on the road, readers learn that there are many ways to Clothing Confidence, all of which are achievable for them.
Seeking Inspirato Interviewees
Below are just a few of the many Seeking Inspirato features that I’ve interviewed across the country. Many are still in process, and many interviews haven’t even happened yet :)
For full-resolution photos, check out the Gallery page. Click on each of the images below to be taken to the Seeking Inspirato article.
Why Does This Matter? (Especially During a Pandemic?)
Clothing and personal expression are important, particularly right now.
When we use clothing to feel good about ourselves, we can generate higher self-esteem.
This is why I want every woman to learn how to love the way she shows up in her clothing. Because when she does, she increases her self worth.
The women I feature are real. They have experienced their own struggles with body image, confidence, relationships, and authenticity. They demonstrate that they weren’t “born” this way. They had to work for it.
These stories serve as inspiration for other women who have struggled to feel great about themselves in clothing.
In terms of the pandemic, when we realize how connected self-esteem and Clothing Confidence are, it doesn’t work to put off style until the vaccine. Don’t worry, we’ve got work-from-home-friendly clothing advice.
Maddison has interviewed well over 100 women about their relationships with clothing.
Why Are You Talking About Clothing Confidence?
I’ve been thrifting and studying personal clothing style since I could walk.
In 2017, I took this passion for style and turned it into something tangible by creating—the home of the Clothing Confidence movement.
Since then, I’ve interviewed over 100 women from across the globe, studied what makes us feel confident (or not) in our clothing, and shared that knowledge on
KEY TAKEAWAY: Clothing Confidence is something you learn and practice.
I’ve found that Clothing Confident women value dressing in a way they love because they understand that the way they present themselves to the world is important to their self-esteem and how others perceive them.
Clothing Confident women are not narcissistic. They see spending time on their appearance as a part of self-care, like brushing their teeth.
They also have learned how to dress themselves both 1) in a way they love (their sense of style), and 2) in a way that flatters their figure best (the 4Cs).
After the tour, look out for the book. Through it, other women can feel inspired and learn how to dress in a way they love.