When you’ve got it, flaunt it
A Story Inspired by Gabriella
I recently interviewed a friend of mine, Gabriella, for the Daily Inspirato 100. A few days later we chatted a bit about how she felt inspired to dress herself in a way that made her feel fabulous.
See text exchange:
Text exchange between Gabriella and Maddison, image 1
“Got inspired talking to you and wore something cute going out, thought I’d share.”
Text exchange between Gabriella and Maddison, image 2
“Super refreshing not wearing a flannel & tshirt out”
Has style and the clothing to match
Gabriella has a personal style and clothing she loves, but she isn’t fully utilizing the 2 as frequently as she could. She isn’t loving her look everyday.
When reflecting on our text exchange, I realized Gabriella isn’t the first woman I’ve spoken with who shares this dilemma.
Gabriella is not alone
Gabriella is apart of a group of women I’ve interviewed called the “got it, but don’t flaunt it-ers”.
These women have a personal style, but aren’t using it. They have clothing they love, but aren’t wearing it.
I know I’ve found a “got it, but don’t flaunt it” when I hear a gigantic gap between the percentage of time she loves her looks and percentage of her closet she loves.
Example: “I love how I look maybe 10% of the time but I love 75% of the pieces in my closet.”
This is Gabriella. This is also what I like to call a D I S C O N N E C T.
What’s causing the disconnect?
These particular women tell me they don’t wear the clothing that makes them feel fabulous because:
“I work in a casual environment”
“I live in a casual place”
“All my friends dress pretty casually”
CASUAL. What I hear is “it’s more comfortable to dress casually than it is to dress the way I want to.”
Let me know
Do you feel like you can’t break out of casual wear even though you want to? Please share your experiences here, email (maddison@dailyinspirato.com), or text (214.240.3515).
I want to figure out what inspires the “got it but don’t flaunt it-ers” out there. They/you are so close to loving your looks everyday.
For Gabriella, it took a short conversation to inspire her. 1 convo!
If you have inspiration outlets that you want to share, please send them my way as I’d love to share them with other women.
A big thank you to Gabriella for sharing!